lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009


James Cameron esta en el epicentro del mainstream hollywoodense desde que en los ochenta le dio un giro enorme al genero de ciencia ficción con “Terminator”, cinta que catapulto a la fama al hoy gobernador de California además de a todo el mundo cuando hizo a Robert Patrick agua; de aquella salieron tres secuelas mas así como una serie de TV que hoy se trasmite por Sony Televisión, su creador se refugio en la experimentación 3D y después de realizar Titanic la cual es hasta hoy junto con Ben hur, las dos películas mas galardonadas por la academia y claro la mas taquillera de la historia. Avatar es la apuesta de James para en el nuevo siglo, y sale empatado por mostrar una cinta entretenida a pesar de a veces caer en la obviedad.

EL hombre a continuado su evolución hacia el mas allá tanto que lleva su propia lógica viciosa hacia otros planetas, todo sea por el dinero que sigue funcionando de pretexto para destruir lo que se ponga en el camino. El guión es algo que ya hemos visto tanto en documentales como en ficción, que al final resulta ser una historia que ya la hemos visto en algunos western (quizá en la mayoría) y claro incluso Disney, por que la trama en si se parece al cuento de Pocahontas, pero lo conseguido en efectos especiales hace al publico deslumbrarse tanto viendo lo que sucede que saber el final, queda en segundo plano aunque el guionista bien pudo dar una gran vuelta de tuerca y no hacer que el americano, de nuevo, sea el que salve el planeta, sea propio o peor aun de otros.

La dualidad en la que nuestro protagonista se mueve le da cierta vitalidad a toda la trama que no baja de intensidad en ningún momento pues mira su realidad reflejada cuando es un ex militar que por azares del destino se encuentra ocupando el sitio de su hermano gemelo biólogo. Allí nos deslumbraremos con el mundo que Cameron a creado para esta historia aunque nunca sin salir de las obvias relaciones con nuestro entorno, o mas bien dicho con el entorno que estamos destruyendo, igualito que en la película.

EL uso del 3D aumenta una profundidad que hasta los 90s era imposible producir en el cine, la anterior década se primeros pasos aunque sea con tropezones y es que quien alguna ves pensaba en que este formato se transformaría en el siguiente gran paso del cine tal como lo fue el color y el audio en los años 50s, los cuales reinventaron la manera de ver cine, en este caso la mejoran pero resultan ser solo un extra en cierto tipo de películas y no una reinvención de todas ellas indistintamente de su genero, presupuesto o cualquier otra variante. Claro que acá se nota la mejoría de manera realmente y es intentos de compaginar personas reales con construcciones 3D no resultaban del todo satisfactorias, las precuelas de star Wars o el mismo gollum en el señor de los anillos son testimonio de este cine que se estaba construyendo pero faltaba trayecto para su perfección, si bien Avatar representa un paso adelante en la tecnología empleada en el cine no es un cambio en si. El cine sigue siendo cine y tendrá que aparecer un Hitchcock o un Kubrick para cambiarlo una ves mas.

Avatar sale bien librada, y probablemente con una taquilla que le será favorable a pesar de que tiene que llegar a colmar muchos ceros antes de poner un numero y que el director aparezca en los tabloides de chismes como un ogro que no quiere dar autógrafos, y probablemente no se equivocan. Cameron nos presenta una historia que mejora con la utilización del 3D por que en realidad el punto fuerte de la películas son los efectos y no tanto un guion que deja la leve reflexión a los mas pequeños, por no decir inexpertos sobre nuestro planeta y lo que le hacemos pero también un montón de clichés que por el bien del mainstream gringo, ya deberían desaparecer.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

Text N6 Journalism: talking about finals matches

Yesterday I was supporting my family in the Olympic Atahualpa Stadium; their plans were to be back to the stadium to watch the other final match in the Ecuadorian soccer championship. The previous year they traveled to Latacunga but this time the title was won at home, with a full stadium. I will be yellow until death (Barcelona Fan) forever; I have never felt appreciative for Argentina's team Boca Juniors and Deportivo Quito for being my family team. The stadium was packed and they were all suffering because Cuenca´s team had already won titles in the capital and this was not the occasion. Michael Arroyo struck down the game from a free throw, putting the team on top. It´s has been five years since I've witnessed a final match out on the field, remembering that day, sheer folly.

Late 2004 was the year we went, things were the same here, we voted for president and after that we try to put in down off the power, the city with traffic that is now clearly worsened and the expected end of the local tournament is defined in two stages, Capwell and White House, the Guayaquil’s teams are the only option to get the title while National and Liga de Quito played only for the honor, but really the only team in that position was the white team. It was a totally aggressive year between the two teams, verbal battles were attempted by anyone at that time era of the leadership of Eduardo Barcelona Boher, abduction of a flag by the “White Death” (Muerte Blanca) and the known damage caused in March of that year South Dark (Sur Oscura).

The final day of the tournament started early for me, 1 am exactly where my friend “the squirrel” would come, his cousin, Charlie and Siloe Titi. There I was outside the airport. The best was to come flying from the terminal because there were reports of abuses among league fans who might see the return as Barcelona Olympic Stadium as they tried to prevent the entry of all Barcelona’s fans. Punching from hours before the game near the Stadium. No more anti football attitude this year, wanting to play fair when there was a clear awareness that this look, the title was yellow because if Barcelona was going to win no matter what happened with Emelec in their stadium, but a draw or defeat as they placed depended on the outcome.

Zero fights for my part, I saw some familiar faces swollen up, whom I tried to avoid bumping. The real fight would be on the field of the stadium. Starting the game and the first time and all teams were on the field. The second half starts and Liga manages to defend the honor of their house, scores two points and Barcelona´s coach, the Indian Solari fails to change at the end as if there have been enough to stay with the urge to jump the stadium. Barcelona shouting to be heard throughout Ponciano; it opened the doors wide to Emelec as the new champion. At the end of the encounter more bumps and violence, Liga will be comforted to know that even the happy stage is unbeaten to Barcelona, which is not entirely true since Barcelona won in the league at 98 but with the rules of that tournament were not accepted draws and Barcelona won, during penalties and still they did not manage to beat Barcelona.

Lolita and kubrick

Text N 5
Kubrick is a genius; certainly he is the director we all would like to be. Lolita can be considered as part in the evolutionary scale of his filmmaking. The same basis was carried to the limit in subsequent films like "The Shining" and "A Clockwork Orange”. The way he makes the camera move, starting where it should end, remembered and copied a thousand times by modern filmmakers. The clock does not even exist for more than fifteen minutes; this is the level of Lolita's school, if you start doing so.

The script is clever enough to bring all, to a situation that always seemed uncomfortable for many since romanticism claims that "love has no age." Humbert, Lolita´s lover, also thinks the same and that´s how it starts; a career into madness by the love of this young girl who from the vicissitudes of destiny will put to him to the test. He will now achieve his dream. Kubrick manages to put something original from the cliché of a man who cries, gets sick, and goes crazy ... for a young lady, nothing new. Obstacles do not matter; he knocks down every limitation, but cannot with all. If the unrequited love would not die, it kills just like Joaquin Sabina signs. That happens in Lolita. Love and death are inevitable and intense. Stanley handles it with great skill, keeping the audience interested throughout the entire film even when we know more or less the ending.

In a situation like that most people would condemn, but in reality not only awakens the most selfless compassion, after all, he is someone who stays there, suffering, unable to walk forward. Huge apology of love, and whims, when all joined together they can be lethal. The color would not have been, plus the use of white and black allows Kubrick to shows a deeper look into the emotion of the moment. However, light, sound, and the thousands of details in the film are the characteristic feature in Kubrick´s style of cinematography. The joint work that manages to do something magical when push the bottom rec. Lolita is full of it. Kubrick's final step to become the leader, number one. Without a doubt

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

Text N3 Journalism: Good bye brother

Text 4 journalism

I told everybody “brother” like friend or hommie, and if I have repented several times I found people who don’t deserves to be qualified like brother, this is not the case. Rather, the anger and helplessness of knowing that the world today produces an enormous injustice. Where can get those emotions? To the paper that holds everything.

Paul Lazarini, a man who like me in the fact that the two work in the little film world that exist in Ecuador, and needs the little money that you won in these style of job, but he did and cared in thing much more productive that fill his dollar account, he care the city where he lived like a few people do but one week ago left his house for a bike ride, was hit by a bus, he never returned.

Cut off the metal and tires, left to breathe and exist in the ground that he cared as if it were his life, a motherfucker bus drivers think that he was in a F1 racing killed a one person. Professional tuning wheel and addicts!! In the capital don’t matter how much you accelerate you never go so far for the street system, but if you accelerate like Montoya or Schumager you cause an accident. One like the Lazarini family is suffering right now

The driver want to escape but the people can capture, when the police came to the accident they realize that the owner of the bus was the Colonel?, So to get them there duty?, For the benefit of a superior and yourself, creating a circle of complacency and complicity of those who are here to provide security at all?. Lying down, do not forget.

It is absurd that people know the route determined by ecological, either by necessity or conviction, potentially risking their lives much more than people like who are laziness to get a bicycle. The decision between having metal box there that you feel isolated or feel brother of the world and support it with simple things like don’t drive a car. Respect and support for cyclist’s, now that this stupid system killed one of yours.